Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Goal: Weekly Post

For some reason Gwen loves to put her hands in our mouths. Because she is our first and because I believe in letting her explore whatever she wants (as long as it doesn't harm her)... I get little fingers in my mouth almost daily now.... maybe too much info?

Turtles. We often walk along a nature trail across from our house. There is a pond there that is home to more than 25 turtles.

I hesitate to publicly acknowledge my new goal of posting weekly. I have little confidence that I will actually follow through and if I don't --- well, consider yourself forewarned.

Some people have a fear of heights or spiders or snakes...

I have a fear of writing.

It has plagued me for as long as I can remember. The only thing that got me through school was to bribe myself with chocolate chip cookies. With each assignment I'd sit down with a nice treat and write. I would procrastinate assignments until the very last minute. I mean very last minute... like printing the paper and running to class, last minute. Why? Because it was SO painful. I hated everything that came out on paper and I couldn't bear the thought of anyone reading it. It was only when the pain of getting a poor grade on the assignment was worse that I had enough courage sit and write.

No treats this time --- So-- we'll see how well I do blogging. =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am LOVING your weekly posts, all of them! And do not fear writing, you are fabulous! I'm salivating, honestly, really salivating at all your fabulous photos of the UK. Ah! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so much, and Gwen is adorable! Your photos are great. Thanks for sharing. Makes us want to hop on a plane and join you!
    Kristi (Linton)
