Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 1: Orem, UT to Ketchum, ID

Monday, April 26th
  • Miles driven: 380
  • Bugs slain on the Mazda windshield: 380,000
  • Best CD of the day: Damien Rice's "O" (although Jennifer voted for "The Reminder" by Feist, which was overruled by the writer of tonight's post)
  • Best quote of the day: "Idaho is pretty!" (Anonymous)
  • Best food item of the day: Ice Cream Cookie at Rico's in Ketchum
Sights Seen:

Antelope Island State Park: Where we were attacked mercilessly by tiny black bugs.

Twin Falls Temple
, which was closed.

Shoshone Falls, where we dangerously and mischievously climbed over the iron railing to get cool pictures.


  1. Um . . . What about days two and three? Or are you out in the middle of nowhere? Sorry for the Mr. Andrus label. My google account links to my class blog, so yeah.

  2. Yeah, Yakima was kind of the middle of nowhere. But it was cool to visit with cousin Emily and Will.
