It is impossible to take pictures of this child right now without having her hands in her mouth. She LOVES them. Who needs toys?
She has learned to roll from her back to tummy. She seems to be quite pleased with herself and has no interest in learning how to roll to her back. In fact, the minute we put her down she rolls over and stays that way. She even insists on sleeping on her tummy. Maybe I'm a bad mom but I can't see the point in going in her room and turning her over every few minutes. So, I let her sleep that way.
She has been such a good little sleeper. After only 4 days of sleep training (with the help of Dr. Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child), she now takes naps during the day, in her own room rather than in my arms, and without crying. I don't know what to do with my new found freedom. Now if we could just get her to sleep on her own during the night. I had one blessed night where she did this a few weeks ago but it must have just been a tease because she now wakes up every 1-2 hours! Yikes! I'm not the most pleasant person to be around now. Poor Ryan.
So cute! I'll have to read that book.